Now that we have a real yard, with real potential, I have plumb run out of excuses for not learning to garden. This weekend was supposed to be the start, with the priceless help of my dear mum who has a fantastic garden of her own, but alas, the wretched rain has foiled our plans. I do however have some transplanted inspiration right on the back porch. Thanks to the same wonderful mum, I have several starter herbs ready for use, including rosemary, sage, basil, parsley, and chives. Peter and I were also given a tomato plant from our friend Steve, which we hope to get into the ground very soon, as well as a potted plant from our other garden goddess mum. While there is still a small window of opportunity on Monday, I'm not keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to the anticipated June sun. In the meantime, I came across a recommendation in the local paper called "Sunset Western Garden Book of Edibles"that I plan to pick up shortly, along with a somewhat related cooking companion, "Urban Pantry".
Our first edibles

Books to add to the reading list.