March 16, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Snow and Photos
Got a free extra "weekend" this week, with both Christianna's and my offices closed for two days due to snow. This morning the snow turned to freezing rain and took out our power lines, so I'm writing this from a Starbucks in downtown Kent.
Every time we put chains on our tires, our car seems to become a taxi for stranded travelers in the snow. This morning I drove a family we met in Starbucks to Auburn. Daughter's feet were soaked. Nice to feel helpful just a little.

Christianna keeps getting "more" pregnant, if there is such a thing! I've been having vivid dreams of her labor and the joy that is about to enter our lives. Really excited and feeling so blessed. Used the snow days to finally gets off our butts and start preparing the nursery in earnest.
Anticipating lots of photo opportunities this year, I've started a new project—a "Photo-A-Day" every day for 2012. Going well so far, though some days I've been more inspired than others. No particular topic, just whatever's interesting or happening or just catches my eye. Here's the haul for 1/24th of the year so far.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Blast from the not-too-distant past
If there is any hope of getting back on the blogging bandwagon in 2012, I must first attempt to do 2011 some semblance of justice. And so, what follows is the picture postcard version of the many adventures we've had since April.
April: We get a puppy---a very big puppy
April: We get a puppy---a very big puppy

A handsome fellar
Meet Hamlet, a two and a half year old, 60lb+, lab/beauceron mix. We adopted him from the Humane Society in early April and had three fun months together--he was very lovable, playful, and such a cuddler. Sadly, we were unable to keep him long-term due to his skiddish behavior around older children and an unfortunate incident with a neighbor. While we were heartbroken about having to return him, we know it was for the best, and we'll always cherish the fun times we had together. Below are a few pictures of our Prince of Denmark.

Loving the red chair. Also loving his naps.

Running at breakneck speed--a favorite pastime.
I still don't know how he never got stuck under there...
A truck-load of poo & dirt
Spreading the poo & dirt
Farmer Pete
First fruits
2 zucchini=8 zucchini breads
Wild greens
Fierce and Fun Times---you better believe it
In Cabo, with our cruise ship in the background
Sand shot
On a water-taxi, with Lover's Beach in the background. Just around the corner, Divorce Beach--not nearly as popular
Tequila shots were cheap, and from what I hear, delicious.
Cabo San Lucas
One of many beautiful sunsets
Our "Salsa & Salsa" excursion. Free-flowing margaritas and 6 different salsas, made and consumed before 11am.
Virgin margarita--and my best impersonation of a Pillsbury dough girl
And now, impersonation of an Amish girl. For the life of me, I just could not get that chef hat to look chef-life.
One of my favorite pictures--looking and feeling very sporty in Puerto Vallarta
Walking across the stream to a small family-owned restaurant by the waterfall
Our tour guide in PV--clearly a local
Winning a medal for being awesome at cruise Scattegories
Peter. Just being awesome.
Don't underestimate the power of sunblock or overestimate the protection of a shirt. Scars are still there today.
And cache # 2, as big as his pinkie nail, under a bench

I still don't know how he never got stuck under there...
May: We plant a garden
With the help of some of the great guys from our Community Group, Peter built a raised vegetable bed in our back yard. We bought dirt, shoveled it in, planted seeds, and before we knew it, we were growing (and eating) our own vegetables.
Spreading the poo & dirt
Farmer Pete
First fruits
2 zucchini=8 zucchini breads
Wild greens
June: We make a baby!
I think I replayed a dozen scenarios of how I'd tell Peter that we were pregnant when the time came: there was the re-enactment of "Full House" episode where Uncle Jesse's wife made a dinner with baby-foods (baby-back ribs, baby carrots, etc); then there was the 'sneak a note/baby rattle/pregnancy test in his lunch' scenario (with potentially embarrassing consequences); I also thought about buying him one of his favorite children's books and asking him to read it to my belly--but no, that's not how it happened.
holy freak-out batman!
I peed on a stick and three minutes later, as we both walked into the bathroom together, I promptly exclaimed, and I quote, "Oh my God---there are TWO lines". We stood there for a few minutes, in disbelief and excitement, hugged, and kissed. And then we went out to Thai food to celebrate. Yep, no sitcom scrips is going to come out of this one, but it was memorable nonetheless. We told my parents by sneaking a picture of the pregnancy test into a slideshow of previous pictures we'd taken and his parents by asking them on their opinion about where to place the "babycake on board" sticker on the car.
Needless to say, we've been over-the-moon with excitement about meeting "Pewillope" in late March and have been dutifully reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" (Christianna) and "The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy" (Peter). We also just recently watched "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and I'll be diving into "Babywise" in the next month or so. I have not taken too many baby bump pictures, but below is the first one, taken at 16 weeks when I finally started showing *something*. Ah, those were the days--when I could still fit into my normal clothes...
16 weeks
August: We go on vacation--Viva Mexico!
In August, Peter and I took a wonderful cruise down to the Mexican Riviera. With baby. And a 10-day supply of Zofran. What was originally meant to be our 2nd Anniversary trip also ended up doubling as a babymoon, and did baby have an adventure! We sunbathed, snorkeled, rode horses up a mountain, dove into a waterfall, drank coconut milk out of coconuts, made salsa, danced the salsa, and just had a marvelous time.
In Prescott, AZ visiting friends before the trip. It was 90 degrees and baby no-likey. Thank you Sebi for driving like a mad-man all the way back to Phoenix while I entertained everyone by throwing up---the entire way. Fierce and Fun Times---you better believe it
In Cabo, with our cruise ship in the background
Sand shot
On a water-taxi, with Lover's Beach in the background. Just around the corner, Divorce Beach--not nearly as popular
Tequila shots were cheap, and from what I hear, delicious.
Cabo San Lucas
One of many beautiful sunsets
Our "Salsa & Salsa" excursion. Free-flowing margaritas and 6 different salsas, made and consumed before 11am.
Virgin margarita--and my best impersonation of a Pillsbury dough girl
And now, impersonation of an Amish girl. For the life of me, I just could not get that chef hat to look chef-life.
One of my favorite pictures--looking and feeling very sporty in Puerto Vallarta
Walking across the stream to a small family-owned restaurant by the waterfall
Our tour guide in PV--clearly a local
Winning a medal for being awesome at cruise Scattegories
Peter. Just being awesome.
Don't underestimate the power of sunblock or overestimate the protection of a shirt. Scars are still there today.
Peter and his towel-friends. He went to a class and learned how to make them while I was enjoying a bout of exhaustion and mild nausea. Flippin' adorable.
October: We go to the Pumpkin Patch
Say what you will about suburbia, but I've quite enjoyed living in Kent. Wonderful community, family close by, and on the days we commute to work, a drive by Carpenitos Farm. The fall especially, is beautiful. It is amazing to me 1) how quickly vegetables grow and 2) how quickly it is harvested and the field re-seeded. The Carpenitos Farm Pumpkin Patch & Corn Maze is an annual favorite and this weekend was no exception. The weather was ideal--sunny, but crisp, and the since it was the first weekend, the corn maze was still intact. We made it through in about 20 minutes, but that's because I did not lead. For those of you who have driven with me, you know that I can barely keep my left and right straight---don't even get me started on N, E, S, W. I hope and pray that baby Davis gets Peter's sense of direction.
Baby Davis is the size of a tiny pumpkin
Fast-forward to 40 weeks and this picture will be more accurate.
In the "UW" corn maze. We did not even attempt the WSU maze. Waste of time ;)
While tempted, we didn't actually buy a pumpkin at the Farm this year
The Onofrei family--those furrowed little brows--so cute!
December: We celebrate Christmas!
25 week baby bump
The mantle
The Davis Family Christmas tree
The 2011 ornament---but it was definitely upstaged by the ornament my parents gave us on Christmas--a husband and wife with baby bump. Adorable!
January 1st: We ring in the New Year!
After counting down to 2012 at Irene's house with 'the kids' Peter and I continued our New Years day tradition by going geocaching the next day. The weather was spectacular, and Queen Anne was bustling with people. We found three caches, played wall-ball at his old elementary school, dinner downtown, and a movie. It was a very fun day and a great start to what is sure to be a very fun year!
Let the fun begin!
Peter found cache #1 in a fake rock behind a tree

I found the 3rd, and biggest, behind some gazebo slats. yes!
Happy New Year from the Davis Family!
Kerry Park, Queen Anne
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